Dear All,
the PhD final defense (XXXVII Cycle) of Mattia Atzori Corona, Federica Fabiano e Andrea Pierfrancesco Sanna will take place on
January 31st, starting at 2.30 pm in Room A.
Enclosed you can find the booklet with the titles and the abstracts of their seminars.
The link on MS-Teams to attend the defense remotely is:
PhD Final exam | Generale | Microsoft Teams [1]
IMPORTANT: In order to be included among the members of this Team, please join it by January 27th. Later requests (during the event, for instance) will not be guaranteed. _Notice that all members of the PhD Board have been already included_.
The PhD Committee is formed by: Prof. Mariam Tortola University of Valencia (Spain) Prof. Timothy Gershon Warwick University (UK) Dr. Piero Nicolini, University of Trieste (Italy)
All are kindly invited to attend it. Participation of all PhD students currently enrolled in our PhD School is highly and strongly encouraged (even if remotely).
Kind regards,
Umberto Attilio
Links: ------ [1]
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